Qualifications & Experience


Robert F. Orlando, President

Nearly thirty years experience in the Outdoor Advertising Industry.

1979 Lease Representative ROA
1981 Real Estate Manager ROA
1990 Eastern Region Mgr. TDI
1997 Vice President TDI
2001 President RAM

Managed development for the following Class I railroads at TDI:

Norfolk Southern

Increased Conrail’s annual rental income from $5,500,000 in 1993 to $8,500,000 by 1998.

Served as a member of New Jersey DOT’ s Advertising Regulation rewrite committee from 1995 to 1997.

Removed trestles from sign spacing regulations
Eliminated 2,000’ ramp spacing in Cities with population in excess 40,000.
Reduced ramp spacing from 2,000’ to 500’ in all other cities.

Served as first non employee of a Conrail Process Improvement Team (PIT) formed to evaluate and improve the signboard approval process to generate additional revenue. (See Article.)

Handled management of first Public Roadway (SJTA) to install Outdoor Advertising on its property

Right Angle Media, Inc founded in December 2001 today manages the signboard assets of 36 railroads in 29 states.

Annual gross billings in excess of $2,000,000.00
Manages over 500 signboard licenses and 42 trestle locations.



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